Monday, April 23, 2007

Not Enough Hours In The Day

Tonight I am feeling a little anxious about many things, as I feel extremely overwhelmed between class and work. I have been unusually busy at work and this class demands a lot of time and attention. Finding a balance has been a challenge, although I have been doing a pretty good job at it (if I don't say so myself); however, I am growing bit concerned with the upcoming week as I have a lot going on. I am leaving town on Wednesday to go to Colorado for my sister's graduation, then from there I am going to Chicago for work. Amidst all of the traveling and time zone changes I am growing more and more concerned about my coursework.

Furthermore, with the presentations coming due and having to collaborate with my group is going to be difficult. Fortunately, I am working with a great group of ladies who are all willing to compromise and accommodate one another. I think our group works well together. Our presentation is coming together although I still need to finish my part. However, I was able to set our group up for conference calling. I am very excited about that!

Anyhow, I will continue to remain focused, and take one day at a time! Good luck in the remainder of the class!

P.S. Writing tonights blog was a great stress-reliever! Happy Blogging! :o)

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