Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Emotional IQ

While not surprised, I was intrigued with the results of my Emotional IQ test. Sometimes with these types of tests, people tend to answer the way they think they should and in the end the results are skewed, but with this test it was difficult to figure out what the "right" answer is. We all have a self-image, and sometimes we think we have characteristics that are much different than who we really are. There are three dynamics of our personality and characteristics. One is the way we see ourselves, two is the way others see us, and three is the reality of who we really are (which is a balance between the former two).

According to this test, I have an excellent emotional intelligence. I pride myself on that because I have always considered myself to be very open to people. I tend to be extremely optimistic, even in the most challenging circumstances. I am able to relate to people on various levels and adapt to different situations. I tend to be the person who everyone goes to for an ear to listen or to get insight. I have always been known among my friends and family as the "fixer of everything". I always have the attitude that there is a solution for everything no matter what the situation.

I enjoy meeting people and making myself available to others. For instance, if I have just met you and saw that you were in need of food, I would do what I could to provide you food by talking to other people and gathering food for you and your family. I am thoughtful in everything I do and am always thinking about others. Often times, I put others peoples needs before my own.

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